Friday, March 7, 2025

 Fri, Mar 7, 2025:  St. Louis, MO:  

Did a little clean-up outside this morning and then to lunch at my favorite Mexican restaurant--hoping it wasn't shuttered because of what's going on in Washington right now.  Still there and enjoyed my lunch.  Back home and started watching "Band of Brothers" based on the Stephen Ambrose book "D Day".  An amazing collaboration with Stephen Spielberg and Tom Hanks--and directed by Tom Hanks.  I've read several of Ambrose's books:  Undaunted Courage about the Lewis and Clark expedition.  A great read.  Also, Crazy Horse and Custer, and I'm now reading "Nothing Like It In the World" about the building of the Transcontinental Railroad.  He's such a prolific writer.  He was also President of the D-Day Museum (now the WWII Museum) in New Orleans.  Mike and I visited there many times and contribute to it every year.  A nice day today.  Looking forward to next week in the 70s.

"we few, we happy few, we Band of Brothers"...William Shakespeare

RIP Mike.  So lucky to have you in my life.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Mon, Oct 14, 2024:  St. Louis, MO: 

Went to the ballet yesterday.  Three beautiful productions—Serenade, Western Symphony, both on point, and the show stopper was a beautiful, sensuous number with a male and female dancer.  They were scantily clothed, barefoot, and performed the most beautiful and sinuous dance displaying their flexibility, grace and strength. St. Louis is fortunate to have such a talented ballet company. After the show we had an early dinner.  A beautiful, sunny day.  It is starting to cool down.  This week only in the  60s. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

 Wed, Sep 11, 2024:  St. Louis, MO:

Twenty-three years ago on September 11,, 2001, I awoke to a beautiful sunny fall day.  I showered and dressed quickly and headed downstairs to watch Good Morning America because the CEO of GE was going to be on the show.  When I tuned in, they were running the story of a plane hitting the north tower of the World Trade Center.  Mike was out of town—Texas I think.  I called him and told him about what had happened.  Shortly after that the second plane hit and I called Mike back and told him the south tower was also hit with a plane.  He was in an elevator with our sales rep.  So, a terrorist attack.  He ended up having to rent a car and drive home. 



9-11 Memorial - NYC



Monday, September 9, 2024

Mon, Sep 9, 2024:  St. Louis, MO:

Met with the Struyks a few days ago for ice cream to celebrate Andrew’s 8th birthday.  Can’t believe he’s 8 already!

Andrew in his cool shades.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Sat, Aug 17, 2024:  St. Louis, MO:


Mike is off to his football reunion at St. Louis High.  He’s getting an award of some kind.  Have fun Mike!


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wed, Jun 12, 2024:  St. Louis, MO:  We have a stretch of hot weather coming this week.  Mid- to upper-90s.  We’re heading out this morning to get our passports renewed.  Going to CVS to get our passport pictures taken, and then heading to lunch.  And then to the USPS to start the renewal procedure.  They expire next month. 


Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thu, May 30, 2024:  St. Louis, MO: