Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL: A nice day today. A really, really nice day. We started out in sweats but quickly changed into shorts and tees. Sat outside reading for a while and enjoying the beautiful blue sky and gentle tropical breezes. Walked around the lake and ran into Sandy, John and their guest. Talked with them for a while then continued on. The lake is absolutely pristine. Makes me want to get my snorkel gear out and do some snorkeling. Walked to the end of Johnson Road and then came back and sat around trying to cool off. We actually worked up a sweat. Ray stopped over with his dog, Munch. He and his wife, Jo, lived on a sailboat for over 10 years. We got talking about that and he went down to their site to get some pictures and he and Jo came back together and we looked through their albums. A really nice boat! Must have been an experience. They hung around most of the afternoon. We talked about going to Mangrove Mama’s for dinner, but I ended up making pasta. It’s great living on Key West Time again! 77 today.

Iguanas are starting to come back out