Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL: Drove to Key West shortly after noon to go see Invictus at the Tropic Cinema. Invictus (Latin for unconquerable) is the name of the poem that helped Nelson Mandela get through 30 years of imprisonment in a tiny cell with no bed—just a wooden chair. He slept on the floor—30 years. An inspiring, true story. After the movie we walked down Whitehead and stopped at the Key West raceway so Mike could do a few races. While he was playing I walked down Duval to buy tickets for the annual home tour on 12/28-29. It’s going to be held at night—I guess so we can see the Christmas decorations as well. Would rather it be during the day. Should be interesting. Had dinner at a Mexican restaurant on Duval and then headed home. Key West was packed. Will be glad when the holidays are over.
Banyon House--Whitehead Street