Tucson, AZ: This morning was bright and sunny again. Clouds formed in the afternoon but cleared off again. We’ve really lucked out here since the temperatures have been below average for this time of year. We decided to go see the Titan Missile Museum in Sahuarita, AZ. This is the only missile site where you can go inside. It was really quite interesting. There were three sites in the area and were active during the cold war. They all carried a nuclear warhead. We actually went through a firing sequence to see what it would have been like. We were so close to the Mexican border here (about 30 miles) at Nogales. This was where we planned to cross if and when we went into Mexico. I really wanted to go but our passports were back in the RV and we would have had to do the money exchange and get insurance, etc. So we didn’t. On the way back we stopped at the San Xavier Mission which is a treasure. It was founded by the Jesuit missionary Fr. Kino in 1692. Building started in 1783 and was completed in 1797. What a beautiful place! And it’s still a parish for the Tohono O’odham and still in use today. They’re in the process of a restoration. There were some people cooking in a crude little shelter and we both got what they called flat tacos. Nothing like any taco I’ve ever had. They fry this flat, round bread which fills a plate and then they put whatever you want on top—beans, chilies, tomatoes, lettuce, and cheese. The fried bread is more like a pastry. Really delicious. Back home—stopping at Walgreens on the way to get some prescriptions filled. Went up to about 95 today. 7% humidity. Life is good.