Jonathan Dickson SP, Jupiter, FL: A clear, sunny morning. So, we rode our bikes down to the other camp loop on the other side of the park and down a bike path through a pretty little forest of pines, sable palms and palmettos. There were lots of little ponds along the way and the path finally ended at a golf course a few miles from the park. We saw one gator. And, we saw a river otter crossing the path. He stopped in the middle of the path—as curious about us as we were about him. We never expected to see a river otter. After showering and cleaning up we went to do the laundry and then grocery shopping. By now it had clouded up quite a bit. Hope it rains. They need it badly. After getting the laundry and grocery shopping done we had dinner at a little bar and grill and then back home. Stopped to see if we could get some fire wood, but the campground store was closed already. Put everything away and relaxed the rest of the evening. 81 today.