Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thu, Apr 16, 2020:  Day 26 of self-quarantine:  My sister texted me and said I didn’t blog on Wednesday.  I said I did, but it was late.  Checked, and sure enough, I didn’t.  OK.  Guess I’m losing it.  Thought for sure I did it.  Anyway, today I concentrated on getting my laptop out of tablet mode and back to my familiar desktop.  Don’t know how it got in tablet mode, but it did.  And I was able to get it back with the help of a YouTube video.  Cold and sunny today.  Supposed to get up to a foot of snow tonight and tomorrow just north of us.  Great!  Just hope it stays north.  And tomorrow is supposed to be 49 with a cold rain.  Feel sorry for the people delivering our groceries.

Yellowstone National Park