Friday, November 2, 2018

Fri, Nov 2:  KOA, W. Memphis, AR, to Movietown RV Park, Canton, MS:  What a difference a day makes!  Sunny, nice, and dry today.  I thought we were going to be somewhere in TN tonight, but no, we’re in Canton, MS.  This park is called Movietown because they filmed “A Time to Kill” here.  Anyway, Mike started out driving for a change because he kept me up most of the night snoring.  We stopped right away for fuel and breakfast at the Flying J in W. Memphis.  With a big breakfast under our belts, we continued south on I55.  Really good road.  We left this morning at 9:00 and were here and set up by 1:30.  We stopped at a rest area in Mississippi and switched.  I drove the rest of the way.  Left-over soup for dinner.  We leave tomorrow for Fairview-Riverside State Park in Louisiana.  Plan to go into New Orleans and check out the new building and exhibit at the WWII Museum in New Orleans.

Canyon De Chelly (De Shay)
Arizona 2009