Truth or Consequences, NM, to Silver City, NM: We had a short drive today so not in any hurry to get going. A guy from the motor home two sites over from us was out walking his dog and stopped to chat. He’s a decorated Vietnam vet—Green Beret Black Ops. Was awarded 6 purple hearts before he received a head injury from a RPG which put him out of commission for a while. He’s also a full-blooded Lakota Sioux and his wife is Blackfoot and Seminole. He’s an artist and in fact won a scholarship to attend art school. We meet the most interesting people in our travels. Would love to see some of his art work. His name is Will Greenshield. Left on our way to Silver City at a little after 11:00. Took Rt. 25 south—again following the Rio Grande. Left Rt. 25 at Hatch and headed west on Rt. 26. After leaving the Rio Grande, it really got more and more dry. We are really in the desert southwest now. Arrived in Silver City about 2:00 and got set up. This RV park is a really nice one. Large sites with lots of privacy. Wonderful smelling cedar trees all over. We got together with Floyd and Terry who we know from our winters in the Keys. They’re staying here also. After spending some time at their place, we switched to our place and played jokers for a while and then Spades. Fun time. Tomorrow we’re going to explore a little. Silver City sits at about 6,000 feet. 86 today. Nights down into the 50s. Great!.