Tue, Nov 10,
2020: The Glades RV Park: We
took care of the grocery shopping this morning.
Got back and were putting stuff away and there were three things that weren’t
ours. Two boxes of quart storage bags
and one jumbo storage bag. Put them in
our storage compartment for the time being.
I’ll probably never use them.
Before lunch I started reading my new book “Beach House” by James
Patterson. Good so far. After lunch we watched “It’s a Beautiful Day
in the Neighborhood” with Tom Hanks.
Good movie. Mike is out there right now recharging the
water softener. Hope the wasps don’t get
him! Looks like it wants to rain out
there, but hasn’t so far. Mid-80s today.
Laughlin, Nevada
Laughlin, Nevada--right on the Colorado River.