Sun, Jul 5,
2020: Day 107 of self-quarantine:
The fireworks drove me crazy last night.
Just locals around our neighborhood.
But it went on and on for hours.
How many fireworks did they have!!!
It was still going on at 3:00 a.m.
Hopefully it will be quieter tonight.
There’s a “party house” a couple of streets over in another neighborhood. This group of people bought this place just
for partying. They put in a pool and a
volley ball court—complete with judges stands. They take really good care of the place so they don’t piss off the
neighbors. With this covid thing going
on right now, it doesn’t seem like a good idea.
I feel sorry for the dogs that are afraid of loud noises. Low 90s again today.
Pony Express Museum St. Joseph, MO |