Lazy Lakes RV Resort, Sugarloaf Key, FL: Another cool day in store for us. I don’t think it’ll even be in the 70s before we leave next Tuesday. Mike went over for donuts this morning and I backed up the computer. Took two tries to get it done—2 hours total. Esther and Gerald returned yesterday with their nephew, Felix. He and Gerald came over on one of the paddle boats this morning—in tee shirts and shorts. These Canadians are tough! I sat outside in the sun for a while reading, but it was only comfortable in sweats and a sweat shirt. Then when it clouded up I had to go back in because it felt too chilly to me. Mike left at 1:00 to play shoes and I relaxed and enjoyed my solitude. Happy hour tonight. Probably our last one before we leave for the Everglades.

Gerald and Felix cruising

Speeding things up a little (look at that wake!)