Lazy Lakes RV Resort, Sugarloaf Key, FL: This morning was cloudy, but the Weather Channel said only a 30% chance of rain. So we decided to go to the Galley Grill for breakfast and we called Gerald and Esther to see if they wanted to join us. Gerald wanted to take their Harley and meet us there but Esther wanted to pick some stuff up at the grocery store, so we picked them up. While we were having breakfast it started pouring. I mean a deluge. Good thing they weren’t on the Harley. So after breakfast we made a dash for the truck and then went to Big Pine for some groceries. Now we’re all wet and the air conditioning in the grocery store was set at arctic levels. We just about froze. While waiting for Esther and Gerald to finish up we went a couple of doors down and rented the movie, “Julie & Julia”. By now it’s a worse deluge. Mike went and got the truck and pulled it up to the front of the store and we all made a dash for it. Totally soaked again, we headed back and dropped Esther and Gerald off and their awning was messed up. Left them and came home and watched “Julie and Julia.” What a great movie! Meryl Streep should get an Oscar for her role as Julia. She did an amazing job. There’s been a lot of activity at the Boca Chica Naval Air Station in Key West lately. Probably because of the Haiti disaster. Speaking of that, I did the text thing to donate money for Haiti relief and used Mike’s phone because he gets a better signal than I do. I texted once and it said it went into the draft folder, but no indication that it sent, so I did it again. Same thing. So I did it again. Same thing. Did it a few more times. They finally all went after a short delay. So now I’m not sure how much money Mike donated. We are texting illiterates I guess. That’s okay because they need all the help they can get. After watching the movie we went over to the rec hall to the Sunday party. Only stayed a couple of hours and then back home.

Esther and Ted