Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf
Key, FL: Did the laundry and grocery shopping today. Went to the Laundromat on Kennedy in Key West and while the clothes were
in the dryer we scooted around the corner and did the grocery shopping at
Publix. Finished those chores and then had lunch at the Stoned Crab. Started absolutely pouring down while we were
having lunch. Drove back to our park and
put everything away. A few people are
going down to Aqua tonight in Key West. They have an American Idol type competition
going on down there, and our friend, Fiona, is one of the participants. Our neighbor, Richard, stopped by to see if
we were going and if we wanted to ride down with him. Decided we’d probably go, but will drive
ourselves because we won’t stay too late.
It’s not a nice night. Still
raining and looking uglier by the minute.
The high was 73 today earlier.
Now it’s in the 60s.
The beach at Ft. Zach--on a much nicer day than today.