Lazy Lakes RV Resort, Sugarloaf Key, FL: A beautiful, fantastic morning. After showering and eating breakfast I walked around the lake. On my way back I ran into Dale who wanted to know if Mike was up to playing shoes. Are you kidding? Of course he would. When I got back I told Mike we ought to take the bikes out for a quick ride before shoes, since it’s supposed to rain tomorrow and then cool back down. So we rode over to the old state road by the KOA and then rode part of the “path” down to the burned out bridge. Didn’t go far before we had to turn around because there was so much flooding with all the rain. It’s a beautiful ride though on the old state road which is now grown over with a canopy of all kinds of lush vegetation. And the water in the channel where the old bridge was is a beautiful green/turquoise/blue color. Biked back to the KOA and then to the bridge over Bow Channel. The bridge here is the old Hwy. 1 bridge which parallels the new one. The old one is used for biking, walking, and fishing. Although the water in the channel is pretty shallow, a guy fell off the bridge while fishing and got swept away—the current was so strong. He had to be picked up by boat. Back home and Mike left to play shoes and I relaxed in my chaise reading and watching the buzzards making lazy circles in the sky. Had dinner tonight at the clubhouse—Floyd cooked ribs. Mike was in heaven—ribs and shoes in the same day.

The old state road down to the bridge

Beautiful gated property just before the unpaved state road to the bridge