Monday, June 29, 2020

Mon, Jun 29, 2020:  Day 101 of self-quarantine:  Another nice overcast day.  Sat outside reading for a while, but the chaise was still wet from recent rain.  Got my butt soaked, so had to change into dry clothes.  Didn’t feel wet when I sat down.  Went to go inside and Mike had forgotten (I think) and locked me out. Thankfully, we have stairs down to the patio and I knocked on the office window for him to let me in.  Three hours later he did (kidding).  Steve called and we blabbed on the phone for over an hour. Played spades with Nomad for a while.  Making beef tips and gravy for dinner tonight. With mashed potatoes and a vegetable.  Mike loves it!   He always loves to see me barefoot and in the kitchen.

Trail of Patriarchs
Washington State

Walked a trail through these huge, beautiful trees.
Washington State