Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cherry Hill RV Resort, College Park, MDBack into D.C. this morning.  Took the express bus to the metro station, got on the metro and we were on the streets by 11:00.  Really hot again.  We went to the Smithsonian National Museum of American History and basically spent the whole day there.  All the First Lady inaugural gowns are on display.  Well, most of them anyway.  I was looking forward to seeing Jackie Kennedy’s gown, but it wasn’t there.  It wasn’t at the Kennedy Library in Boston either, so I don’t know where it is.  Had lunch at the cafeteria in the museum, which was really expensive. But who wants to go out looking for a restaurant in 100 degree heat?  Left there around 4:30 and started back to the metro station.  Stopped at Market Square and had a couple of drinks, then went down into the bowels of the metro system.  Right at rush hour (sigh).  But it went very smooth.  Our bus was at the metro station in College Park when we got there.  Another 40 minute trip in the bus and we were back home by 6:20 or so.  This trip should be called “Trains, Buses, and Taxis”.  Close to 100 today. 

Smithsonian National Museum of American History

Stradivarius violin dating back to the late 1600s

Old Post Office Building

Justice Department