Sat, 6/26/10
Wagon Trail Resort, Ellison Bay, WI: Mostly cloudy today and it’s not supposed to get out of the 60s. We returned the Sopranos 2nd season to the library and headed up to Ellison Bay to check out Ellison Bay Days which is in full swing this weekend. They had a great band performing in the gazebo called The Copper Box. Drums, base, and the two main band members (a male and a female) played at least three instruments each. And they did all the singing. They were playing a Zydeco number when we got there. Very entertaining. There was also a woman there with her pet camel and llama. They bought Harley the camel when he was just a couple of months old. He’s now four and is a big pet. He has toys he plays with and rolls over to get his belly rubbed. He loves animal crackers and would do just about anything to get some. The llamas, she says, are like cats. They’re very aloof and basically don’t want to be bothered. They hum a lot—the llamas, I mean. There was lots of food there. I had a fresh whitefish sandwich and an ear of corn. Mike had a brat and two ears of corn. The corn is great. They roast them in the husk on the grill and insert a skewer in one end. When you buy them they pull off the husks and dip them in a big crock pot of melted butter. You hold them by the skewer and eat them.

Harley the Camel playing with one of his toys...