Lazy Lakes RV Resort, Sugarloaf Key, FL: We had to set the alarm last night so we would get up by 6:30 (gasp!). Left at 8:00 heading to D’Asign Source on Marathon for the 2010 Palms in Paradise Architecture and Garden Tour of the Middle Keys. They had a continental breakfast set up in their store and after that we boarded three coaches that would take us to the seven properties we toured—each one seemingly better than the other. They provided us with a box lunch at one of the properties and then ended the tour at the “Bait Shack”—an amazing estate in Marathon—where we had a Caribbean banquet, live entertainment and a spectacular fireworks display. What a great day!
The main pool has these little caves and grottos you can swim into
The "Bait Shack"--Marathon--Palms in Paradise 2010
Tiki Village--Little cottages where guests stay
The Bait Shack--Palms in Paradise 2010
Fireworks after the dinner at the "Bait Shack"
Palms in Paradise 2010