Zion Canyon RV Resort, Springdale, UT: Up this morning and surprised at how cool it was. Cool and windy. It takes a while for the sun to come up over the canyon wall. We walked up to the shuttle stop just outside the resort and took the shuttle to the Visitor Center. Then transferred to an up-canyon bus. The shuttles stop at all trail heads and viewing area. We stopped at the weeping rock trail and walked up this pretty trail to a spring coming out of the cliff face creating this pretty garden. We were told it takes anywhere from 800 to 1200 years for the water to filter down. Sounds hard to believe. The temperature dropped considerably up there. Felt really good. Stopped at the grotto trail and hiked down to the Zion Canyon Lodge and had lunch. Then took the shuttle back to the Visitor Center and checked that out for a while. We checked at the back country desk because we want to do the river trail where it ends and the canyon gets really narrow. You can continue on for 5 miles in the river. The canyon walls are very close here. No rain in sight, so we’re going to try it. Then took the in-town shuttle back to our park. Pretty warm. Another beautiful day. Think it was probably in the upper 90s today. Going to a restaurant across the street from our RV park for dinner tonight.