Sunday, November 26, 2017

Sun, Nov 26, KOA, Okeechobee, FL:  Well, the wedding reception revelers partied on till the wee hours.  The band stopped at midnight.  Sounded like they were having quite a time.  500 people there.  The highlight of our day was a trip to Walmart.  We bought new walkie-talkies.  Our others went belly-up—of course when we had to back into the site we’re in here. Go figure.  I finished tome #2 of the Ken Follett “Century” trilogy and started tome #3.  Mike is now reading #2.  The family visitors of our neighbors are still here.  Three adult couples and five kids plus a dog.  They leave tomorrow morning.  Our neighbors are ready for some R&R. We found a football game on TV—our Rams!  Well, not ours anymore.  They went to LA (sigh).  Another nice day today.  Mid-70s.

Tome #3 of the Ken Follett "Century" trilogy.