Thursday, January 3, 2013

Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  Another perfect day today.  I called Johanne and asked if she wanted to bike over to Cudjoe.  She did, so Johanne, Mike and I headed out.  Charlie stayed at their site and cooked bacon and eggs.  Smelled pretty good.  Anyway, we biked all through a residential area on Cudjoe Key.  Some pretty nice homes back there on deep water canals.  A beautiful day for it.  Clear blue sky and a gentle breeze.  And every once in a while you’d get this wonderful fragrant smell of some kind of vegetation.  Flowers or something.  Biked back and sat with Charlie and Johanne for a while.  Then back to our site for some lunch and relaxing outside reading and just looking at the beautiful blue sky.  Upper 70s today.

Doors of Cudjoe Key

Johanne and Mike

Doors of Cudjoe Key

Charlie playing a new song he's learning.