Thursday, January 17, 2019

Thu, Jan 17:  Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  Carolyn is making meat loaf for the dinner tonight.  She always kicks off the pot lucks with her meat loaf which is always popular.  We volunteered to help her out so she had us dicing the peppers and onions.  Would have liked to help set up but I messed up my back somehow, so I’m walking around rather gingerly.  No wine tonight or jokers.  Will probably eat and run.  I’m making a corn casserole to take which everyone seems to like.  A nice, sunny day today—but still pretty cool.  We have new neighbors on either side of us.  One couple from Canada and the other from Australia.  The Canadians have a toy hauler with a Harley and the other have a class C motor home.  They’re only here for two days.  Maybe low 70s today. 

Beautiful sunset over the Atlantic.