Monday, July 6, 2020

Mon, Jul 6, 2020:  Day 108 of self-quarantine:  Supposed to rain today, but none so far.  I face timed with Steve this morning.  Dave is in the hospital for his surgery.  Hope he’s doing okay.  I love the face time thing.  Although I was a hot mess.  Steve looked really good.  He got his hair cut finally.  Said he didn’t want to look bad in his casket in case he got the virus.  LOL.  Not funny I know.  I told him he’s going to be cremated anyway. Played spades with Nomad.  He left me after two games.  Left-over steak for dinner tonight.  I get about three meals with Aldi’s steaks.  Low 90s again today.  More fireworks again last night, but not as bad as the night before.

Yellowstone National Park

Golden Gate

Roosevelt Gate
Eastern entrance to the park.

Sylvan Pass