Lazy Lakes RV Resort, Sugarloaf Key, FL: A mixed day today of clouds and sun. Still pretty cool—only in the 50s. We hung out most of the day and then in the evening we headed to Key West and I went to see La Danse at the Tropic Cinema and Mike went to the Key West Speedway. La Danse is a documentary about the Paris Opera Ballet—mostly dance rehearsals, but also the choreographer working with individual dancers, administration, building maintenance, even what the cafeteria is like and the food they eat. Food looked pretty good for cafeteria food—of course it is France. They also showed the painstaking hand sewing of the elaborate costumes, dress rehearsals, and stage direction. They performed both modern dance numbers and, my favorite, en pointe. Dancers are incredible athletes—displaying both strength and grace. I am definitely a balletomane.

Mike ran about 7 races--came in first on one of them...
Tropic Cinema--Key West