Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Wed, Nov 14:  Lake Pan RV Park in Lake Pan, FL:  Another beautiful, warm, sultry day.  We did the grocery shopping (or Mike did), I got my hair cut, and we went back to The Villages and the Cody Road House for a late lunch.  No wonder people at The Villages have so much fun.  They have a two-for-one happy hour every day, all day.  So I had two glasses of wine instead of one.  Just what I need.  We stuffed ourselves and then back to our site.  Oh, and when we set up yesterday, Mike opened up the control panel on the outside and found the cutest, tiniest little tree frog—with little suction cup feet.  He avoided capture until Mike finally got him and flung him in the grass.  Why did you do that?  Now we’ll probably step on him.  Anyway, a great day today.  84 here.  But a cold front is coming through tomorrow afternoon.  Of course.  The cold seems to be following us. In the meantime, we’ll enjoy the warmth.

The Villages