Thursday, February 20, 2014

Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  More humid today and it felt great.  We left around 11:30 to go for a bike ride and check out the new bike paths.  Biked out of the park, down Johnson Road and over the Bow Channel bridge, but when we got to the spot where the path crosses Hwy 1 and continues on the other side of the road, it was closed off.  So, we rode around a couple of really nice residential areas and explored around a little.  We had planned on having lunch at a little deli on the path, but that was out, so we biked back home.  Relaxed and cooled off for a while and then made some lunch.  Turned on the TV and the women’s gold medal hockey game was on between Canada and the US.  The US was ahead 2-0 through the second period.  But then the Canadians came back and scored 2 goals to tie it up.  The Canadians won in overtime.  Mike is not in a very good mood now. Mid-80s again today and beautiful.

We were disappointed to see the new part of the bike path shut down for some reason (sigh).
Exploring around we found this rather large property at the end of one of the roads we biked down--right on the Atlantic.