Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, Fl: Sandy and Dan drove over to us this morning. After getting turned around a little they found us. They left their car here and we drove the truck into Key West. Had breakfast at Azur and then Sandy and I walked down to the Truman Annex while Mike and Dan drove. We walked through the Annex and toured the Truman Whitehouse. Then walked over to the Mallory Square area and Sandy and I shopped for some tee shirts. We met back up with Mike and Dan and Dan had a little surprise for Sandy and I. Picture below. Had a drink at the Roof Top Café and then Mike walked back to the truck and picked us up. Back to our place and we played spades. A fun day and great weather.
Inscription reads...
"If you think I'm a BITCH, you should meet my SISTER"
Sandy and Dan hamming it up in front of Pepito's Restaurant