Sunday, November 15, 2020

Sun, Nov 15, 2020:  The Glades RV Park:  Another really warm and humid day today.  Don’t think I could live here year-round.  It’s supposed to cool off by tomorrow I think.  Walked up to the river and there was a bunch of chairs set up by the river.  Apparently there was a wedding there last night.  50 people.  And I guess they celebrated at Grumpy’s after.  Another covid spreader.  One guy that got it here after some band practice died last night.  I ran into our neighbor across the street, Mark.  He told me about the guy that died.  Told him I wasn’t surprised.  Nobody really wears a mask in here (including him).  We’ll keep doing what we’re doing—wearing a mask, washing our hands often, and keeping away from groups.  Got the laundry out of the way today.  Tomorrow we head to Ft. Myers to find some part Mike is looking for.  

Train trip through the Royal Gorge--Colorado.

That's a walking bridge up there.