Saturday, February 17, 2024

Sat, Feb 17, 2024:  Glades RV Park:  A nice day today, but pretty windy in the afternoon.  We didn’t get any rain yet, but some ugly clouds here and there.  Think it hit 80 today.  Sat outside and read for a while waiting for Mike to get up.  Once he was fully awake we got the laundry out of the way.  Then everything went to hell because the race he was looking forward to got postponed until Monday at 11:00.  He was NOT a happy camper.  I called and cancelled our Paramount+ subscription.  Their streaming platform is terrible.  We ended up watching the Super Bowl on a Hispanic channel. Anyway,, I paid for a whole year, but am supposed to get a full refund.  We’ll see. 

Moon rise over Key West

Chickens of Key West