Lazy Lakes RV Resort, Sugarloaf Key, FL: A cloudy, cool morning. We headed to Key West around noon and parked by Pepe’s so we could grab some lunch there. They were packed so we walked down toward Key West bight and had lunch at the Island Dogs Bar just off Duval. After lunch we walked over to Caroline St. and toured the Curry Mansion—finally. I’ve been wanting to do this since we started coming down here. And it was a self-guided tour which included three floors plus the widow’s walk at the top. This beautiful home was owned by the first millionaire in Key West. Walked around some more and then went to see “The Single Man” at the Tropic Cinema. I thought this was a very poignant story of a man who loses his partner in a car accident and how he deals with his loss and his pain. Mike wasn’t too impressed. He fell asleep. After the movie we walked down to the Key West Speedway for a while and then back home. Did a lot of walking which felt good.
Curry Mansion--now an Inn
Pocket doors are all Tiffany glass
Main Staircase