Monday, July 9, 2012

Cherry Hill RV Resort, College Park, MDA little drizzle this morning and much cooler.  We decided to venture back to D.C. and do a hop-on/hop-off trolley tour.  We saw a lot and it was very convenient since we got on right where we got off the metro.  Our first stop was beautiful Union Station where we had lunch at the Center CafĂ©.  I had lobster ravioli covered with a tomato cream sauce and tiny shrimp.  Really good.  Mike had a pastrami panini which was also delicious.  Left there and stopped at the Jefferson Memorial.  Spent most of our time at Arlington National Cemetery.  There was a funeral going on there at the time with the caisson pulled by six white horses and an honor guard, etc.  Wonder who he or she was.  Left there and stopped at Ford Theater and then walked to our favorite watering hole by our metro station and had a couple of drinks.  Then back on the metro, then the bus back to our park.  Busy day.  It cleared off in the afternoon.  Think it hit 86 today.

Union Station

Inside Union Station--restoration in progress.  Netting was put up after the earthquake back in March.

Jefferson Memorial

Lee/Custis House--after Lee went with the South during the Civil War, the federal government confiscated his plantation and turned it into a Union cemetery.  Of course Lee and his wife never returned.  He's buried along with his wife and his horse, Traveler, in his beloved Virginia.

The eternal flame and graves of President Kennedy, Jacqueline, their son Patrick, and their unnamed daughter.

The grave of Robert F. Kennedy--a simple wooden cross as he requested.

Tomb of the Unknowns

Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns

Amphitheater at the Tomb of the Unknowns