Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  Another windy, blustery day today.  We did our laundry and grocery shopping today instead of Wednesday because we’re getting our new blinds installed tomorrow.  After our chores we went to the Square Grouper for lunch.  I love this little restaurant.  Besides the excellent food, the décor is really nice.  I don’t know who did the decorating, but I love it.  Came back, put everything away and sat outside reading for a while.  The wind made it feel chilly, so I took it inside.  Esther stopped over with some pea soup she made yesterday.  We’ll have that for dinner tonight.  Thanks, Esther, mon ami!

Square Grouper--Cudjoe Key

Love the decor in this place.

Nice, simple lines
Here's a shot of the endangered "square grouper".  Also known as dopus and cannabis.  The drug smugglers bundled their "product" in these square bundles.  If they were being pursued, they'd throw them overboard and then the officials would snare them--hence the expression "fishing for square grouper".  So the story goes anyway.