Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Tue, Dec 31, 2019:  Well, we didn’t know what to expect on our New Year’s outing.  We heard it was in a barn.  Mark said there was a green gate and then you go down this road into the woods.  Sounded like a Stephen King novel to me.  And Mark didn’t go because his wife, Deb, wasn’t feeling well.  But Rick said he knew how to get there.  So we caravaned over there.  It wasn’t far at all.  And it was a great place.  They had lots of food.  Even deep fried a turkey.  It took place in a huge lanai with a large pool.  The tables were up on a platform at one end and the band was at the other end.  I danced a lot.  But it got pretty cold.  If you were dancing it was okay.  But Mike was miserable.  At one point he went out to the truck and turned on the heat.  We went there at 6:00 and we ended up leaving at 9:30.  It was a good time.  Good bye to 2019 and hello to 2020.  Mid-70s today.