Mon, Feb 8, Lazy Lakes RV Park,
Sugarloaf Key, FL: Started
out rather cool this morning, but it turned into a beautiful day—sunny and 65.
I finished up the cleaning and then Mike went over to play shoes while I
enjoyed my solitude. I was finishing up a book Larry lent me when I saw a huge
motor home come through with a rather large trailer behind. The corner down
here is hard to maneuver with a big rig and, sure enough, he hit the palm tree.
He couldn’t back up or go forward without damaging his motor home. So he got
out one of those git-along or pull-along thingys and pulled the palm tree away
enough to back it out. They backed it all the way back out. Pretty impressive I
thought. Over for happy hour tonight and then somewhere for dinner.
Big rigs have to be careful on this corner down here. The one palm kind of angles out and they get into trouble if they're not looking up. Hope they don't have to cut down that beautiful palm. |
View from our back window. Our resident pelican is back. |
The lake is especially pretty today with cloudy reflections. |