Wagon Trail Resort, Ellison Bay, WI: This morning dawned bright and sunny. And last night the stars and moon were incredible. After having breakfast at the Viking Grill, decided to drive to Sturgeon Bay and get some things we need at Walgreens and then check out the lighthouse at the entrance of the Sturgeon Bay Canal. Walgreens didn’t take long at all and then we headed over the draw bridge to the canal and followed the Coast Guard signs until the road dead-ended at the breakfront and Coast Guard Station. Took some pictures and then back to Sturgeon Bay along another WI Rustic Road that started right at the Coast Guard Station and followed a beautiful forest along the shore of Lake Michigan. Some beautiful homes along there, although you could see mostly drives into the thick foliage. We did see a doe and very young fawn cross the road. Drove around old-town Sturgeon Bay a little bit and then headed back on Rt. B which goes up the Green Bay side of the peninsula. Stopped at Egg Harbor and I had an ice cream and Mike had a soda and then we continued on, stopping at another roadside stand/market. Didn’t buy anything but sampled all the goodies in there. Also stopped at the Water Street Gallery in Ephraim to see our favorite artist, Fredrick Briedenhagen, but he wasn’t there today. I have several of his prints, and Mike bought me one of his original oils for Christmas a few years ago.

Tiger Lily--Ridges Sanctuary

Fly-eating Pitcher Plant--Ridges Sanctuary