Fri, Feb 17, Lazy Lakes RV
Park, Sugarloaf, FL: Cool
this morning but warmed up nicely. We
made a Walgreens run, then lunch at Boondocks followed by miniature golf at
Boondocks. Back home and putzed around
for a while. Larry stopped over with
some soup he made. Had it for dinner and
it was really good. Walked across the
street to Dale and Carolyn’s site where they’re entertaining visitors. Chatted with them for a while until the
no-see-ums drove us inside. Low 80s
today with low humidity which made it seem cooler.
On valentine's day there was a flash mob type of "kiss-in" around the sculpture of this famous kiss. There were hundreds of couples--some in navy and nurse costumes--dipping and kissing. Pretty cool. |