Thursday, February 9, 2012

Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  Started out iffy today but cleared off nicely.  Went to see the Doerfels family bluegrass band tonight at Boondocks with Richard, another guy from the park.  This family is amazing.  There are 10 children—most of whom play in the band.  Of the regular band members, the oldest is 22 and the youngest is 14—only one girl who plays the violin.  A couple of the younger ones take the stage now and then and perform.  They are all home schooled.  They spend the winter in the Keys and travel around performing mostly on the east coast.  Upper 70s today.

The Doerfels

Wed, 2/8/12
Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  Cloudy and nasty looking most of the day.  No rain to speak of though.  It even chilled off some.  Gerald stopped over on his bike to get some Vaseline to lubricate his brakes.  Then he and Mike biked over to the KOA.  While there they stopped to see Mark who makes fish out of coconuts and sells them at various craft shows.  He’s very creative and even has a helper this year.  When Mike finally got back we headed over to the clubhouse for the annual shrimp dinner, provided by Nels and Joanne.  He’s 90.  She’s not far behind.  Nels is a former NY stockbroker.  Very interesting, well-traveled people.  They provided the whole dinner—even the wine. 

One of Mark's fish we bought back in 2006