Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL: Sandy and Dan came over this morning and we headed down to Key West again. Took the trolley tour and stopped at the Hemmingway home and toured that. Then back on the trolley and continued on the tour over to the schooner wharf and walked around there for a while. Had lunch at the Conch Republic Seafood Restaurant on the wharf and then walked over to the Customs House museum, but they were closing in an hour so we just went over to the Cuban restaurant on Mallory Square for drinks and then drove back. Sat outside for a while enjoying the balmy evening. Some friends stopped by we haven’t seen since last winter. Sandy and Dan headed back to Marathon and we’re planning on going back to Key West and the museums tomorrow.

Powder Puff Palm (I think)--Hemmingway Home

Lily Pond--Hemmingway Home
Hemmingway Home
Key West