Jonathan Dickinson State Park, Jupiter, FL: Sunny this morning, but
really cool and windy. So glad we went
biking yesterday. Decided to run some
errands and go to see a movie again.
After we finished our errands we drove over to Jupiter Island to see how the top 1%
live. Those homes are amazing. Most of them have a main entrance, and a
service entrance. I asked the girl at the hardware store while we were running our errands if
she ever sees Burt Reynolds. His home is
just across Hwy. 1 from our park. Says
she never has seen him but sees Joe Namath regularly. And Olivia Newton John. I wouldn’t know either one if they bumped
into me. It would be fun to see Burt though. 72 today.
The Atlantic is beautiful today--a deep, deep blue--Jupiter Island. |
Driving the streets of Jupiter Island. |