Saturday, September 8, 2018

Sat, Sep 8:  Wagon Trail Campground, Rowley’s Bay, WI:  A chilly, breezy, but sunny morning.  We put the bikes on the bike rack on the back of the fifth wheel ready for us to leave on Monday and then Mike wanted to go on a bakery run.  He is such a bad influence.  So, we stopped first at the Door County Bakery on Rt. 57 which we’d never been to before.  They have this wonderful Corsican bread they make there.  It’s infused with olive oil and the bread is almost dripping with it.  So, you don’t need any butter or dipping oil.  They have samples you can try and it is delicious.  They apparently ship it all over the US.  Left there and then went to the Swedish Bakery at the Rowley’s Bay resort.  Got two cherry turnovers and two cinnamon rolls.  Spent $35 on pastries.  Most of it is for Mike.  Then, before lunch we went for a long walk on the trail to the beautiful sand bay near here.  We didn’t walk all the way to the lake, but made a loop out of it—well, Mike made a loop out of it.  I get lost in the mall.  The trail can be used for hiking, biking, cross country skiing, and show shoeing.  It must be beautiful up here in the winter.  After lunch Mike tried again to get a fire going.  Last night it was a lost cause because the wood was too damp.  Grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn on the cob for dinner tonight.  And it turned into a beautiful day.  Really warm in the sun, but really cool in the shade.  I checked the weather at home.  It’s not much better.  Upper 60s here today.  I guess we can enjoy our pastries with alacrity since we went for that long walk.  HBD!