Thursday, February 7, 2013

Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  A perfect day today.  At the dinner last night, Gerald informed me he wants Esther, Johanne and I to sing the song “Hallelujah” while he accompanies on the guitar.  This is the Leonard Cohen version made popular at the Winter Olympics in Vancouver.  A beautiful song, So I downloaded the sheet music in the key of C and started fooling around with it on my keyboard.  This is to happen at the party on the point this Sunday.  Not sure how this song will go over with this raucous group. Took Sally to play miniature golf today and then to lunch at the Wharf after.  A great afternoon—perfect weather and was great fun.  

Sally teeing off

This miniature golf course is beautiful with lush vegetation, streams, and waterfalls.  And when it's hot, they turn on the misters.  They also have a full bar, which can make miniature golf a lot more interesting.