Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL: Last night the stars were amazing, but this morning dawned cloudy and at one point it looked like we were going to have a nasty storm, but it all blew over and cleared off. Headed to Big Pine with our bikes and dropped them off to get tuned up. I bought a light for mine so we could bike over to KOA happy hour in the dark. Have to be careful since one of the guys in our park actually got stopped for biking while drunk. Pretty funny. After our chores we stopped at Parrotdise and had lunch out on the deck. Mike had a jerk chicken sandwich and I had fish. Got back and I sat outside reading and Mike walked over to find out the details for Saturday’s party. Got some amazing news! Apparently, the Weather Channel has been having a “White Christmas Contest.” The contestants send in a video explaining why they want a white Christmas and the winner (out of like 600 entrants) is Howard Livingston—our favorite performer, song writer. His MM24 band is a Keys favorite. He lives just down the road from us (at MM24) and on Christmas day the Weather Channel is going to be there blowing snow onto his property. Wow! On the way back from Big Pine we stopped at the Sugarloaf Bakery and bought some “bad” cookies. We stopped because we hadn’t seen her dog, Daisy, lately on our walks and was fearing the worst. But apparently she’s been inside keeping her sick cat company. Miss her.

A little heron that hangs out in the mangroves behind us