Saturday, January 12, 2008

Historic Residence--Simonton St., Old Town Key West

Sat, 1/12/08

Sugarloaf Key: A beautiful day today. We just hung out all day and sat outside and read. Mike grilled chicken and I made a 3 bean salad for dinner. Watched a DVD while we ate—“Black Widow”. Terrible. Playing jokers at the clubhouse tonight. There’s a bunch going over to the KOA to hear “Mile Marker 24”—some group I’ve never heard of. They’re supposed to be good. A lot of hangovers tomorrow.

Besame Mucho--Old Town Key West

Fri, 1/11/08

Sugarloaf Key:
Raining this morning. Started during the night sometime. So we decided to go grocery shopping. When we came out of the grocery store it was raining pretty hard. Mike wanted to wait to see if it would let up and I said nah, let’s go. So we did and got absolutely soaked. I hate it when he’s right. After that we went to Pizzaworks for lunch and froze in the air conditioning. Cleared off later. A group was playing jokers at the clubhouse. We stayed in and watched TV.