Fri, 7/9/10
Wagon Trail Resort, Ellison Bay, WI: A beautiful, balmy morning. Perfectly clear, blue skies. We transferred the bike carrier from the fifth wheel to the truck and then took my bike to a repair shop in Fish Creek. The gears aren’t working. Dropped that off and then drove through Peninsula State Park along the lake with beautiful views over the water of the Strawberry Islands and Horseshoe Island. Stopped at the Eagle Bluff Lighthouse and then parked and hiked the Sentinel Trail. A pretty hike through a mixed conifer and hardwood forest. I was pretty sweaty when we finished the hike, and that mixed with the bug spray I slathered on made me feel pretty slimy. Back home and relaxed for a while before we cleaned up for dinner. Dined at the Gibraltar Grill in Fish Creek and then went to the Peninsula Players production of “Over the Tavern”. A comedy about a family of 6 living over the tavern that the father owns and the youngest son’s problems with one particular nun in the catholic school he attends and he resistance to being confirmed. A trip down memory lane for Mike who was brought up in catholic schools and remembers well the nuns and their rulers. This playhouse is in a beautiful garden on the lake shore and at intermission they have a huge bonfire going. Really nice.
Wagon Trail Resort, Ellison Bay, WI: A beautiful, balmy morning. Perfectly clear, blue skies. We transferred the bike carrier from the fifth wheel to the truck and then took my bike to a repair shop in Fish Creek. The gears aren’t working. Dropped that off and then drove through Peninsula State Park along the lake with beautiful views over the water of the Strawberry Islands and Horseshoe Island. Stopped at the Eagle Bluff Lighthouse and then parked and hiked the Sentinel Trail. A pretty hike through a mixed conifer and hardwood forest. I was pretty sweaty when we finished the hike, and that mixed with the bug spray I slathered on made me feel pretty slimy. Back home and relaxed for a while before we cleaned up for dinner. Dined at the Gibraltar Grill in Fish Creek and then went to the Peninsula Players production of “Over the Tavern”. A comedy about a family of 6 living over the tavern that the father owns and the youngest son’s problems with one particular nun in the catholic school he attends and he resistance to being confirmed. A trip down memory lane for Mike who was brought up in catholic schools and remembers well the nuns and their rulers. This playhouse is in a beautiful garden on the lake shore and at intermission they have a huge bonfire going. Really nice.

Beautiful sailboat on the bay

Eagle Bluff Light--built in 1868
Back in the mid-1800s, being a lighthouse keeper was pretty good duty. In a time where most families lived in a one-room log cabin, these houses were usually made of brick and were a couple of stories high. And in this lighthouse the light itself was accessible from the house, so the keeper didn't have to go outside to light it.