Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf, FL: This morning dawned warm and humid. All night long there was a very strong smell of the sea—I guess wafting in from the flats around us. We watched “Painted Veil” last night with Natalie Portman. What a really, really good movie. It’s about a British couple who move to China in 1925 or so. The cinematography was fantastic. Around 10:30 we put the bikes on the back of the truck and headed to Big Pine. Parked in the Winn Dixie parking lot and biked down the road towards the Blue Hole. We usually bike to the end of the road and then go back, stopping at the Blue Hole. Because the weather was turning ugly, we biked a little ways past the Blue Hole and then turned around. Stopped at the Blue Hole for a little bit and then biked back. Stopped at QVC and Walgreens and bought a couple of sand chairs and umbrellas to use at a couple of unofficial beaches in the area. Met our new neighbors—Shelia and Damon from Montana. They both work at Boondocks. A nice 20-something couple. Dinner tonight at the clubhouse. Mexican theme. 78 today.

The Blue Hole under a leaden sky
Pair of American Coots