Friday, January 11, 2013

Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  Got up this morning around 8:00 and waited for Mike to get up so I could take my shower. Used the time to take care of some computer maintenance and set up new files for 2013.  Sat outside reading my book and watched a couple of jets way, way up in the ether, just tiny specs, trailing long contrails behind them.  Wonder where they were going?  South America maybe?  Around 2:00 we drove into Key West to see “Chasing Ice” at the Tropic—a documentary about the loss of the world’s glaciers.  Beautiful photography.  There were two cruise ships in, so a lot of people around.  Besides all the bicyclists, scooters, cars, and walking drunks, now they have those humongous “ducks”—amphibious trucks of a sort that splash in the water at the end of the tour.  These things are huge though.  I wouldn’t want to have to navigate one of them through the narrow Old Town streets.  The movie was good, but this guy took a seat two over from mine who ate his popcorn with gusto, smacking his lips loudly and the rest of the time picking his teeth with equal gusto.  Making other gross noises as well.  We finally moved.  No wonder he was by himself.  Probably never has a date, or many friends for that matter.  85 today!

The other night at the Roof Top Cafe margarita bar--picture by Esther

Interesting sunset the other night.