Fri, 7/2/10
Wagon Trail Resort, Ellison Bay, WI: A spectacular day today. The sky was a deep blue and not a cloud in sight. Pretty windy which whipped the lake into frothy whitecaps in contrast to the deep blue water. We took the bikes and rode down toward Rowley’s Bay exploring several side roads. Stopped at the Rowley’s Bay Pub which wasn’t open yet so we hit the bakery and bought a bunch of wonderful pastries. They’re in the process of harvesting the sweet cherries here and then they’ll harvest the tart cherries in a couple of weeks. Whenever we see an abandoned cherry orchard we stop and pick and eat the ripe ones. Mid-70s today.
Wagon Trail Resort, Ellison Bay, WI: A spectacular day today. The sky was a deep blue and not a cloud in sight. Pretty windy which whipped the lake into frothy whitecaps in contrast to the deep blue water. We took the bikes and rode down toward Rowley’s Bay exploring several side roads. Stopped at the Rowley’s Bay Pub which wasn’t open yet so we hit the bakery and bought a bunch of wonderful pastries. They’re in the process of harvesting the sweet cherries here and then they’ll harvest the tart cherries in a couple of weeks. Whenever we see an abandoned cherry orchard we stop and pick and eat the ripe ones. Mid-70s today.

Cherries ready for picking
Barns of Door County