Lazy Lakes RV Resort, Sugarloaf Key, FL: Another pretty, breezy morning with the promise of a warm and sultry day. After breakfast we went for a walk and took a bag with us to pick up trash along Johnson Road. Why is it that people wantonly toss their trash out the window of their cars? Filled the bag and I had just collected a bunch the last time I walked. Saw a couple of dead snakes in the road also. That’s why I always walk with a flash light at night around here. They’re harmless snakes, but I don’t want to step on them. Today was party day but we opted out. Decided to do the cleaning since Monday is going to be busy with the various repairs we have to get done. We also washed the walls and ceilings in here. Looks pretty good. After all that I put my sweaty body in the shower. Didn’t feel less sweaty, but at least I was clean. Sandwiches for dinner. We’re running out of left-overs. Looks like we’re going to have to pull something out of the freezer and cook.

Cottage on Newton St.