Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thu, Feb 25, Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  A storm came through last night and it’s chilly today. Expecting a high of only 69. So, I set up a vegetable beef soup in the crock pot for dinner tonight. We’re heading to the clubhouse at 3:30 for a wine tasting. We’ll be tasting red wines from Spain. And when we stumble home from that, we’ll enjoy a nice bowl of vegetable beef soup along with Cuban bread slathered with butter. Upper 60s today and windy.

Here's a place with a water view.

Wed, Feb 24, Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  We had our progressive dinner this evening at the park. Appetizers at one site, soup and salad at another, main course in the clubhouse, dessert at another site, and after-dinner drinks at the final site. Because of the weather, we ended up with dessert and after-dinner drinks at the clubhouse also, which is a good thing. I’m not a big fan of the progressive dinners. Too much hassle and too much food.

Randy Roberts as Bette Midler--my favorite.