Saturday, January 5, 2019

Sat, Jan 5:  Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  I drove up to Cudjoe Key for my nail appointment this morning.  Got that out of the way and then back home and Mike and I went to Pizza Works for lunch and then did some shopping.  Back home and I stayed inside reading.  A lot cooler today.  Walked over to Dale and Carolyn’s and imbibed a little.  Decided to play Jokers tonight at 7:00.  Should be fun.  A bunch of people in here are going into Key West tonight to see Caffeine Carl at Smoking Tuna.  They’re renting a cab or something so they don’t have to drive.  We opted out.  78 today with a north wind.

The Monet gardens at Giverny, France.